Sports Chat |
As most of you will know, there are Arsenal supporters all over the world, they are of assorted races, colours, creeds and genders. Some however find it very hard to follow Arsenal around England in their endevours. Others simply want to hang-out with people they know share their love of the mighty Gooners. Therefore, a few years ago we created a couple of IRC channels called #Arsenal and #Stadium.
The first Channel #Arsenal is used for chatting during games, whilst the second #Stadium is used exclusively for commentry. Invariably, there will be someone around the world who will be either watching the game live, listening to the game live, or have a clear "Real Audio" feed so that they can type a game commentry throughout the whole match. This channel is moderated (no speach allowed from anyone except the commentator) so that there is a completely uninterrupted game commentry. As with other aspects of the Internet, a community spirit has built up, and you will find that there are a few regulars who are at most games: Ozgooner, Goonrgrrl, AWenger, Nobby_The_Moose and many many more. We usually have between 25 and 60 people on-line during games (depending on tv coverage). So, why not join us for our next game (check the front page of this site for our next fixture). SERVER DETAILS We currently have the channels registered on Dreamnet. HOW DO I USE IRC? You will need to get yourself an IRC Client Program. The most popular program seems to be mIRC (for PC's) and IRCle (for Mac's). Download the software and follow any installation instructions. I have included a couple of pictures below to help people who use mIRC (as I'm a PC man, and not a Mac nerd....) ![]() If you are using a version of mIRC above version 5.50, you will be able to simply select a "Dreamnet: Random Server" from the drop-down menu (as in the example above). Enter your details below the "Connect to IRC server!" button, and then click on it to connect you. ![]() ![]() Once you have connected to the server, you should receive a little "pop-up" window with a few channel names listed in them. In the top window, simply type #Arsenal and click on add, and do the same for #Stadium. Once both the names are in the box below, you can simply select them both, or double click on either to take you to the relevant channel/s. At any time though, you can type: /join #Arsenal or /join #Stadium In either the "Status" window, or a Channel Window to enter the selected channel. mIRC will allow you to connect to as many channels as you wish at the same time. IRCbury We have also created an IRCbury script for your mIRC program which will enhance your on-line experience with mIRC. Enhancements include background changes, sounds, animations and score changes. To download this file, simple click on the file (402k). Download it, unzip it, and then look at the readme.htm file enclosed for help on setting things up. Well, I hope the details above have been of some help. I look forward to seeing you on-line. You may want to look out for me, my nickname is Nobby_The_Moose. Be warned though, I tend to be the most pessimistic Arsenal supporter there is. I rarely have anything positive to say (unless we are winning comfortably). I will criticise every mistake and nag and whinge throughout the game.... And, I simply love it! See you next matchday. ![]() |